Dr Sam Marsh

University Teacher at the University of Sheffield


Dr Sam Marsh, Teacher

I am a University Teacher in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield, Senior Vice-President for the University of Sheffield branch of the University and College Union (UCU). From 2018-2022 I was a national negotiator for UCU on the USS pension scheme.

Find me in the Hicks Building, room G9.

Telephone: +44 114 222 3792 (internal extension: 23792)

Email: s.j.marsh@sheffield.ac.uk

University of Sheffield staff profile

Find out more


In the 2022-23 academic year, I will be involved with the following courses.

Autumn semester

Spring semester

Things of interest

Slides from a talk on non-standard analysis (PDF, 520KB)

Videos on engineering mathematics, created for our Level 1 teaching: