
I've been at the University of Sheffield since 1999, first as an undergraudate then as a PhD student of Neil Strickland. Since 2009, I have been employed by the School of Mathematics and Statistics in a teaching-focussed role.

I was part of a team which introduced a flipped approach to our Level 1 Engineering teaching in September 2013, based around videos and active small-group sessions.

The implementation was highly successful and resulted in a Senate Award for Collaborative Activities from the University of Sheffield and was a runner-up in the Teaching Excellence category of the 2015 Guardian University Awards.

Classroom slides - flipped approach (PDF, 738KB)

I am also interested in developing a broad skills base for our students, and was involved in the creation and subsequent delivery of our Mathematical Investigation Skills module, which introduces first-year students to programming, web-design and mathematical writing. It has proven to be popular and well-received.